Association For Rural Development For Africa Cooperative Society (AFRODACS) is a non-governmental and non-political cooperative association that strives to eradicate poverty and hunger around Nigeria and Africa at large.
The founders of AFRODACS envisage a sustainable organization that helps reduce poverty in Africa through the implementation of sustainable ideas and programs that have direct positive impact on the lives of her members and their families.
Legal Status:
AFRODACS is registered under Section 5 of the Cooperative Societies Decree of 1993. It is also a registered member of the South East Cooperative Society.
Aims and Objectives:
In the heart of AFRODACS’ mission is family building for sustainable eradication of poverty and hunger.
In line with this therefore, the following objectives are identifiable:
Awareness creation and broad community education.
Agriculture and family feeding support.
Promotion of communication for business enhancement and connectivity
Skills acquisition promotion
Direct purchasing and marketing of family-need-commodities
Micro finance promotion (savings and loans)
Promotion of pilgrimage and related capacity building
Foreign direct investments
Inter Cooperative collaborations
Membership is open to individuals with zeal to support and benefit from our programs.